이하린 Lee Harin

이하린 Lee Harin


1992 서울예술고등학교 졸업
1998 B.F.A – 뉴욕주립대학(SUNY New Paltz) 도예과 졸업
2000 M.F.A – 뉴욕주립 알프레드 요업대학원
(New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred university) 도예과 졸업

2011 ‘憧憬(동경)’ 가회동 60, 서울
2010 ‘密談(밀담)’ 통인갤러리, 서울
2007 ‘DARSHAN’ 해리슨 갤러리, 필라델피아
2003 ‘이하린 도예전’ 노화랑, 서울
2000 석사학위 청구전 포스딕-넬슨 갤러리, 알프레드,

2012 ‘흙의숨결, 한국 현대도예 특별展’ 상원미술관, 서울
2012 ‘한-중 도자교류전’ 건국대학교, 서울
2012 ‘이하린-박종진 2인전’ 통인갤러리, 서울
2012 ‘Coffee cup 전’ 한국도자재단, 이천
2012 ‘극동 아시아 공예가 교류전’ 한국 문화원, 토쿄
2011 'More Than Whisky' 호림아트센터,서울
2011 ‘극동 아시아 공예가 교류전’ 산목미술관, 부산
2010 ‘세라믹 아트 앤 테크놀로지’ 양재동 AT센터, 서울
2010 ‘한중일 교류전’ 경성대학교 미술관, 부산
2010 ‘Play with Clay' 이도 갤러리, 서울
2009 ‘Shift to the Wall' 갤러리 아트다, 서울
2008 ‘Post modern sculptures' Lill Street Gallery, 시카고
2008 'Alum-Plus', standard clay gallery, 피츠버그
2007 'November Illusion' 갤러리 유진, 서울
2007 'Small Favors' 더 클레이 스튜디오, 필라델피아.
2007 '한국 미술의 화연' - 한국미술센터, 서울


Harin Lee

373-10 Achon-Dong
Guri-City, Gyeonggi-Do


2000 M.F.A - Ceramics major, New York State College of Ceramics at
Alfred University Alfred, New York
1998 B.F.A - Ceramics major, State University of New York College at New Paltz
New Paltz, New York

Solo Exhibition

2011 <憧憬(Yearning)> Gahoedong 60, Seoul
2010 <密 談>- Secret Conversation – Tong In Gallery, Seoul
2007 Harrison Gallery – The Clay Studio, Philadelphia
2003 Gallery Rho/ Seoul, Korea
2000 M.F.A Thesis Exhibition, Fosdick-Nelson Gallery -
NYSCC at Alfred University

Selected Group Exhibition
2012 ‘Korean Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition’ Sangwon Museum of Art, Seoul
2012 ‘Tradition and Trend – Korea-China Invitational Exhibition’
Konkuk University, Seoul
2012 ‘Harin Lee & Jongjin Park’ Two person Exhibition. Gallery Tong-In, Seoul
2012 ‘Coffee cup’ Korea Ceramics Foundation, Icheon
2012 ‘Far East Asia Handicraft Exhibition’ Korean Cultural Center, Tokyo
2011 'More Than Whisky' Horim Art Center, Seoul
2011 ‘Far East Asia Handicraft Exhibition’ Sanmok museum, Busan
2010 ‘Ceramic Art & Technology’ AT Center, Seoul
2010 ‘Korea-China-Japan Joint Exhibition’ Kyungsung University Museum, Busan
2010 ‘Play with Clay’ – Yido Gallery, Seoul
2009 ‘Shift to the Wall’ Gallery Artda, Seoul Korea
2008 'Post Modern Sculpture' Lill Street gallery- Chicago, Illinois
2008 'Alum-Plus' Standard Clay- Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
2007 'November Illusion' Gallery Eugene- Seoul, Korea
2007 ‘Small Favors II’ The Clay Studio – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2007 ‘Art Families in Korea’ Korean Art Center, Seoul, Korea